Afloat In The Afterglow of Gaslight.


The chokehold on democracy now breaks open, advanced by a field of flags waving in the breeze of freedom’s exhale to mark the first light of a new day in a long time for these United States. Hundreds of thousands of beautiful souls lost in the wake of a poacher and a pandemic.

“I know these are dark times but there is always light”- President Joe Biden waving goodbye to Delaware to begin again in DC..

Along his way now a newly elected President is joined by the first woman, first of color Kamala Harris elected to be Vice President. Together they render a new team into the service of the next story of the people of the United States of America. We are grateful yet grieving. We are sad and scared. We are ready and relieved.

Gaslight has had its effect in after glow. A quenched greed, its own untreated epidemic, anesthetized a population.. A narrow point of view insulated. A permeating hatred slithered, its shadow snaps now in predictable cycles intended to shock, fracture, and sting the most vulnerable.

It did that.


We rise now to a new season.

Traumatized and torn like children of abuse when the predator’s cycle breaks, comes a new season. Hope is floating in the afterglow of gaslight. So are we. Trepidation too. All of our personal and collective wonderings tread water here.

And in this moment, at this reflecting pool we are reminded of what allows us to float,

to wait, to see, to rise up, to show up, to move forward, to stand alone, to come together,

to be embraced by LOVE’s authority.

Compassion is always the sole survivor.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that.” - American Saint Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Can our three distinct equally empowered and partnered yet separate branches of government perched ever so delicately and deliberately by our forefathers be drawn back to their balance and engage via the intended mechanism to mend and fortify a fragile democracy now cracked by its own complicit corruption?

Hatred was the fuel. Racism the factor. And the drive of the abuser served up the compulsion. Ring kissers were in. American independent thought was out. The language of a paradigm of lies proved to be the weaponry and the lullaby both to destroy a nation, seduce a citizenry, and suffocate diversity amongst its people.

There was no politic here.

There was the dismantling of our essentials.

It did not work.

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Lady Liberty cried out,

"Time's up!"

That time is finally here.

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Love is coming home to the People’s House in service of these United States.

this way. this light.



"And the glow from that fire can truly light the world." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Susan D. Gabriel Bunn