The Violence of Silence: Democracy or A ‘Rain’ of Terror

The practice of the absence of love takes many polite forms.

GOP lawmaker and candidate remarkable silence amidst the violent crime, attack and intimidation of opponents, election workers, police, voters, and their families is a visceral theft of American birthrights.

The once Republican political party has been ‘grabbed.’ They have morphed into the fold of anti-democratic corruption, companioned now with domestic terrorists.

Gaslight that launched the shower of lies was the first weapon of mass seduction that shocked us all. A raining of lies that fracture, confuse, fragment and destroy democratic essentials and ignited a divided population to rob community by cruel means.

Silence also plays a major role. It energizes intimidation, infecting and infiltrating any space or form left unaware, unprepared, or innocent to its once body politic.

This is a strategy designed to feed distortion. This silence fuels violence. A movement to blanket doubt over our remarkable election process to steal all of our freedoms. It destroys the fabric of what belongs to each and every American - the essential right to live in peace.

It is not so much what we are seeing. It is what we are not seeing that has become so effectively destructive.

The definition of terrorism is “the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.”

This has become a GPS of practice, kind of an unwritten mission statement of the silently complicit turned gangster. It is inhumane.

Betraying their oath of office right before our eyes, giving way to election deniers, power seekers, unqualified contenders, gullible followers each day by not standing up for the character of what is true fact. They dishonor without consequences their vow to protect content that is critical to democracy that afforded their power in the first place.

Gutless silence is now sharp as a weapon. It opens a way for anti-democratic terrorism in its most polite form to replace the rule of law across our land.

What has been a daily, constant tapping against the foundation of all we hold dear is dismantling individual rights to elections, personal freedoms and future rights of our children. It violates all - all that our fathers and mothers and friends and heroes gave their lives for, namely freedom and peace.

No matter the political persuasion, women, people of color, our children - all of us will lose what is essential if those who are complicit in the violence of silence are not voted out of office. Elections where our vote counted until now will be no longer if election deniers take office on any level of government.

Our right to vote and choose who represents us will vanish if we don’t overwhelm the ballot box with a blue streak.  That means vote blue down ballot. It is not a political choice- it is a life choice. It is an emergency

Vote for what belongs to each of us - we the people. Vote for your children, for their future, for your forefathers, for your parents, for our freedoms, for the rule of law, for peace, for Love’s authority in a lost world.

Vote for Democracy. End the showering of lies. Vote to save America from a ‘rain’ of terror. -

SUSAN drennan GABRIEL bunn

11/5/22 in Philadelphia

Susan D. Gabriel Bunn